Picking the right host for your website is an important decision. I’ve seen rates from as little as $1 per month all the way to $35 a month for a single site. To those not in the hosting or development business choosing the right service can be challenging. With terms like cloud sites, virtual private servers, dedicated, managed, shared, economy, deluxe, metered, and unlimited, navigating the terms alone can be an all-day job.

Computer Link Northwest can help you out. We’ll listen to what you want to accomplish with your website, from a simple one-page welcome site to an e-commerce web store or custom developed customer portal and then suggest the best hosting package for your needs. Our monthly fee for a managed WordPress site, with an SSL certificate on a shared virtual private server is a very good value for most of our clients.

Contact us for more information or a no-obligation estimate.

Website hosting quote

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